20 High Velocity Pokémon Go Stats That Will Make You Pay Attention

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20 High Velocity Pokémon Go Stats That Will Make You Pay Attention

Either you are living in the mountains or hiding under the rock if you still haven’t know about the latest craze after Candy Crush Saga that is seriously changing the app game – Pokemon-Go. It’s what you call an augmented reality geographical-based game which is created by Niantic.

Last time, I talked about different reasons why you should not ignore Pokémon GO.

If you aren’t convinced, yet, below is a list of statistics I have researched and collated that will make you reconsider why you are underestimating Pokémon GO.

Brace yourselves as you will see how powerful this app is faring despite being in its baby stage.

20 Stats That Will Make You Take

20 High Velocity Stats That Will Make You Take Pokémon Go Seriously

  • Pokémon GO attracted just under 21 million daily active users in the United States. (SurveyMonkey)
Pokemon Go has more active daily users than the populations of Sweeden + Portugal COMBINED. Share on X
  • Pokémon GO surpassed Candy Crush Saga’s rumored peak US smartphone audience of 20 million (SurveyMonkey)
  • Pokémon GO is up-to-date the biggest mobile game in US history (SurveyMonkey)
  • Pokémon GO is on track to pass Snapchat within a couple of days on Android. (SimilarWeb)
  • Pokémon GO Android could surpass Google Maps itself as the largest user of Alphabet’s mapping data. (SimilarWeb)
  • According to data from SimilarWeb, Pokemon Go has already been installed on about 5 percent of Android smartphones, compared to Tinder on about 2 percent.
  • Pokémon GO attracted more users than Twitter (Gizmodo)
  • As of July 8th, the app was being used for an average of 43 minutes, 23 seconds a day, higher than Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat, and Messenger. (SimilarWeb)
  • Pokémon GO hit a 10.81% daily user penetration level four days after its US debut. (BGR)
  • Estimated number of times Pokemon Go has been downloaded to date: at least 10 million Android downloads (ER)
  • Estimated amount Pokemon Go has generated in revenue to date: $14.04 million (ER)
  • Estimated amount of revenue Pokemon Go generates from the iOS App Store in the US: $1.6 million daily (ER)
  • Amount of time it took Pokemon Go to reach the top of the highest-grossing app chart in the US: 13 hours (ER)
  • 197,000: The number of Pokemon-themed playlists that have popped up on Spotify. (ER)
  • Percentage of Australian Android owners that use it daily: 6.60% (ER)
  • Percentage of New Zealand Android owners that use the app daily: 7.98% (ER)
  • Percentage of Android devices in Australia that have it installed on them: 16.04% (ER)
  • Percentage of Android devices in New Zealand that have the installed : 15.13% (ER)
  • The game has ranked #1 on Top Grossing Games and #1 on Top Free Games on the iTunes app store this week. (2P)
  • Pokémon GO is now good to go in Australia, Canada, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom and Italy but has yet to launch in Brazil, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and some other Asian countries. (TechCrunch)

I hope these statistics served as eye-opener for everyone who hesitates on using Pokémon GO.

Pokemon Go is important not b/c 'everyone' is playing but underlying humanity needs driving it Share on X

Thinking about how to utilize to attract gamers around your church? Stay tuned for my next blog!

Why do you think this app caught on so fast and so wide?

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

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