The Optimal Days and Times To Post To Instagram

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The Optimal Days and Times To Post To Instagram

After its release to the world in 2010, Instagram has now over 300 million active users in just a span of six years.

This platform makes sharing one-tap away — regardless on where you are. It is generally designed and intended to be on mobile devices. Because of that, according to one study by Hootsuite, a whopping 70 million photos are posted every single day and over 300 billion photos are shared up to date. Numbers will surely increase as the years go by.

On that note, you could see the platform’s importance not just because it’s trendy, but also we could see its promising opportunities to reach out to your target group: church, non-profit causes, business marketing or your personal brand.

Instagram focuses on visual content to connect with their users. By showing appealing images on a regular basis, it gives you the ability to augment your social media presence to your target audience. However, just like Facebook, it’s not enough to create attractive pictures for daily postings.

Leverage the most out of Instagram by knowing the right date and time in reaching out the highest engagement with your audience.

Like a great joke you need great timing for your Instagram post to be a hit. Share on X

Here are some of the general guidelines that I have researched recently to find the best days and times to post to Instagram:


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Elle & Company
For Elle and Company, the best times to post on Instagram are Mondays and Thursdays at any time except between 3:00–4:00 p.m.

According to TrackMaven, Instagram engagement stays consistent through the week with slight spikes on Mondays and a slight dip on Sundays. Best time of the day to post is 3PM-4PM EST.

Wednesdays at 5 p.m. for Latergramme.

As HootSuite states, the best times to post pictures on Instagram are weekdays between 6 a.m. and 12 p.m.

Business2Community recommends that with Instagram, avoid posting between 3-4pm, as this is the time when your audience is least engaged with you. According to coschedule, posting a video at 9pm gets 34% more interaction, and posting outside of work hours is going to get you the best engagement.

People use Instagram the least between 6 a.m. and 12 p.m., according to a recent Marvck study that analyzed 1.3 million posts

The best time of day to post in Instagram is essentially whenever, according to a years-long data report by TrackMaven. The data shows most brands post between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., but “overall photo effectiveness is consistent no matter what time of day!”

An article on Webtrends states, “Posts also typically did best when posted between 2 a.m. and 5 p.m. throughout the week.”

Remember every brand account is different because ever audience is different. Do you have any specific sweet spots for days/times that you use for publishing to Instagram?

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

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