This Drove Me Crazy For 25 Minutes. How Long For You?

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This Drove Me Crazy For 25 Minutes. How Long For You?

White table, patterned carpet & cell phone test!

The latest craze is happening right now. If you haven’t seen this image yet, I promise you’ll see it on social media  within the next 72 hours.

White table.

Patterned carpet.

Cell phone.

YUP. There’s a cell phone in the photo!

So get a head start and help the old lady who dropped her cell phone find it!

I PROMISE YOU that it is there.

Did you find it? Now it’s turns to ask someone else and never tell them the answer.

I bet you can't find the cell phone on the patterned carpet faster than I did. Try now. Share on X

HOW LONG DID IT TAKE YOU TO FIND THE CELL PHONE? Or how long did it take before you GAVE UP?

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

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