10 Ways to be a Rockstar at Using Instagram Stories

10 Ways to be a Rockstar at Using Instagram Stories
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10 Ways to be a Rockstar at Using Instagram Stories

Are you running out of things to do on Instagram Stories?

Or have you YET to post your first Story?

46% of users report looking at Stories on Instagram. Wonder why you should start publishing Stories? Share on X

Worry not! Instagram Stories is easy to learn; you don’t have to read a book to make it work. With its new features, your social media experience and connections will heighten like never before.

But, first, you need to know Instagram Stories from the inside and out.

Here are some super user tips coming from different marketers and Instagram enthusiasts to maximize your usage of this new awesome feature.

10 Tips on Instagram Stories you might not know about 

Use a filter on your photo or video
1. Use a filter on your photo or video.

Even if Instagram Stories are all for the “live at the moment” pictures and videos, you still have the opportunity to add fun and creative filters on your story! To do so, just swipe RIGHT once you’re satisfied with your story. Keep on swiping right for a variety of filters that will suit your Instagram Story post.



Go live

2. Go live!

This is a new feature Instagram Stories has released a few days ago. If you’re a fan of Facebook Live, then, this is for you. Instagram has once again stepped up their game by having the same concept. Take advantage of this feature in increasing engagement with your followers. Schedule an interview, Q and A or even a live preview of your Sunday worship service!



Move your text however you want it photo via cnet.com

3. Move your text however you want it.

Get creative by adding splashes of colors plus text on your story! Just hit the white Aa button on your post and start writing your texts!




4. Collaborate With Other Instagram Accounts For Takeovers

Need more engagement? This is the best strategy out there. A ‘takeover’ happens when another user uses your own Instagram account to produce new content. While the takeover is going on, you get the chance to get more followers same thing with the person who used your account temporarily. It’s simple, yet, very effective!




5. Zoom, Baby, Zoom

While taking a video for your Instagram Story, simply swipe UP for a zoom in and swipe DOWN for a zoom out.



Snapchat Filters for Instagram Stories

Photo credit: Love.Sasha.Lynn via Visualhunt.com / CC BY-NC-ND

6. Snapchat Filters for Instagram Stories.

Want those fancy filters from Snapchat to be on your Instagram Story? Easy. First, use Snapchat and take a video or photo with your favorite filter. Then, go to Instagram Stories. Swipe DOWN. You’ll be able to see photos or videos you took for the last 24 hours. Go ahead, pick one and then, upload.


Don't Flood Your Instagram Feed, Use Instagram Stories Instead

Photo via laura via Visualhunt

7. Don’t Flood Your Instagram Feed, Use Instagram Stories Instead.

If you feel like posting massive amount of content on your Instagram feed, hold yourself together. That’s not how you connect with your audience. A hundred posts could be annoying and it might even seem spammy. So, for posting “in the moment” pictures or videos, use Instagram Stories and just connect it later with one high quality picture on your Instagram feed.



Be strategic about where you place your text and the colors you use

photo via bustle.com

8. Be strategic about where you place your text and the colors you use.

Never post just for the sake of posting. Make sure your texts, fonts and colors blend well with the video or photo you’re going to upload.



Keeping Tabs On The Number Of Views

9. Keeping Tabs On The Number Of Views

Know how much people are viewing your stories by looking at the viewer number at the bottom of your Instagram story. In this way, you can adjust your strategy on what and what not to post.



Create a variety of content

10. Create a variety of content.

To attract a wide range of audiences, mix and match your Instagram Stories post and your Instagram feed. You can post a selfie with your Pastor, a video of your skilled staff and workers working behind the scenes, worship service, or even prayer time or a list of prayer requests. Just be creative about it!

Any more tips for Instagram Stories? Write a comment about it below!

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

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