TED Framework for PR: E is for EVENTS, but also for. . .ECLIPSE

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TED Framework for PR: E is for EVENTS, but also for. . .ECLIPSE

In my T.E.D. Framework for Good PR, the E stands for EVENTS.

Whenever you are able to frame your news / program / organization in terms of a time-bound event, you have the opportunity to message in a way that’s not available with other items without this element.

If you haven’t heard about it to date, you’re able to hear a LOT more about it in the week leading up to August 21.

On that day, E stands for ECLIPSE. A total solar eclipse, which hasn’t happened since 1979.

WHY is this event so big?

This 8/21 eclipse brings WONDER into our culture. How are you taking advantage of it? Share on X

So much of our daily life is about the GRIND. Not about anything larger than us. The SUN, the MOON, EARTH and LIFE ON IT — are beautiful things that people are innately attracted to.

And that’s also why your CHURCH should consider involving the eclipse into your programs or at least messaging.

solar eclipse 2017 and church marketing

Anyway, E = EVENTS – is a great way to stand out and get picked up by media. You should be looking at your ministry and figuring out if there are any connection points. Perhaps a sermon series? Perhaps a Youth outing event. Perhaps an educational lecture about the stars, moon, and heaven? Perhaps a simple watch party with solar glasses and lemonade?

Life has gifted you a SUNDAY that's not on a SUNDAY. Just think about that. Share on X

Here are some examples of big brands newsjacking the Eclipse and making some great stories out of it:

Krispy Kreme’s Eclsipe Donut

The donut king is launching a new all-chocolate classic donut. Find out more about it at www.krispykreme.com/eclipse.  With the rabid following of donut fans already, this one is surely to be a hit. In fact, they are planning on it by launching it a day early.

Krispy Kreme example of event newsjacking PR


Hertz has been “on-it” in terms of promoting the event as a day to get a rental.

You can see how they’ve been active in promoting Solar Eclipse travel on their social channels:



On unintended consequence about the promotion is that too many people bought into it. Check out what happened next with this story:


Hertz Eclipse PR too good - sold out



airbnb new jack eclipse story


AirBNB is perfect for this story. Travel. Rengade. Off the beaten path.

They are offering a private jet flight along the pathway of the eclipse. That’s sure to be a unique life experience — which is exactly what they are offering in their main product offering.



This question is especially pressing IF your church is physically along the pathway across the country.

Remember, this is the first time in 99 years that the Solar Eclipse can be seen from coast to coast.  There’s an entire pathway mapped out that Americans are going crazy over with travel plans already:

There’s an entire pathway mapped out that Americans are going crazy over with travel plans already:

Is your church on or near this pathway? If so, then you have no excuse to help rally your community. It’s a great excuse to get your congregation to invite a friend to the church where you can host a fantastic event. It’s family friendly. It’s PR friendly. It’s everything friendly.

So what ARE you going to do with this event coming up on August 21?

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

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