Why the Top 8 List On Thom Rainer’s Site Is Faulty & How To Fix It With Content Marketing And An Advanced Tactic

Kenny Jahng / Content Marketing
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Why the Top 8 List On Thom Rainer’s Site Is Faulty & How To Fix It With Content Marketing And An Advanced Tactic

It seems like everyone knows to prioritize website and content marketing when you build or manage a site these days.  Even church websites are trying to optimize their sites well, which is a good thing.

Thom Rainer's Blog Article
The original article from Thom Rainer’s blog
Someone forwarded a great post from Thom Rainer’s blog recently that featured 8 Things Your Church Website Must Have.  Thom’s blog is rock solid.  It’s not that this set of recommendations are wrong (they are all things you need on your website, so pay attention). But it is missing two super critical things IMHO that you can’t ignore much longer in this day and age of content marketing and advanced digital advertising strategies.

In this week’s video, I share what’s missing and why they need to bump all 8 things on this original list down in priority.


Content Marketing + Remarketing are 2 Critical Considerations for All Websites Today Share on X

So I’m really wondering — Have you ever thought about these TWO CRITICAL TACTICS?

Please let me know if you agree in the comments below.

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

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