Connect with Site Visitors–Re-Engage With Remarketing Ads

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Connect with Site Visitors–Re-Engage With Remarketing Ads

Jen Miles is a veteran of the church online and the digital church communications space. I had a chance to catch up with Jen at the ThatCC Conference in Atlanta. One of the chat threads we had was that there wasn’t enough practical resources available that go beyond the 101 level of digital communications craft. That’s for sure! Remarketing or retargeting is one of the topics that is sorely missed in so many of the general training level offerings, yet one of the core tools used by any advanced marketer today. Let’s take a look at what Jen has to share with us today!

How many first time users are visiting your website or Church Online every week? How many of them return to your site? Return more than once? If you aren’t dedicating a small budget every week to remarketing ads, you are missing out on an opportunity to re-engage new users and potentially turn them in to a regular visitor.

Many of the churches I work with utilize the Google AdWords Grant program to attract first time visitors through search ads. However, only about half of them use remarketing ads. The difference in their return visitor rate and, subsequently, their frequency/recency rates is enough to make the Church take note. One church we work with went from an average of 23% return visitors to 45% return visitors and reduced their bounce rate from 90% to 52%. When we implemented a full marketing funnel which included quality search ads; strategic remarketing ads across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, or a combination of platforms; and email marketing the ability to convert first time visitors intentionally significantly increased long term engagement in healthy ways.

Why Does Remarketing Work So Well?

Adobe Digital Insights found several key ways remarketing ads can influence your site conversions.

  1. It Increases Brand Awareness – Three out of five US online buyers notice ads for sites and products they’ve looked at previously.
  2. Remarketing Has A Mostly Positive or Neutral Reaction – 30% of consumers view remarketing ads positively, 59% are neutral and only 11% view them negatively. Overall, you have an audience who is already aware and positive about your brand.
  3. 1 in 4 People Enjoy the Reminder – While 59% of consumers are neutral, 25% actually say they enjoy the reminder of where they’ve visited before.
  4. People are 10x more likely to click thru – Yes. You read that right. The average display campaign has a .07% click thru rate. A remarketing campaign has an average of 7%. Use your budget strategically and gain brand awareness, repeat visitors, and, ultimately, people sharing the message about your church.

If this possibility encourages you, there are several things to consider and some groundwork you need to complete prior to running your first remarketing campaign.

  1. Connect with your webmaster and get in the queue now.
  2. Create your remarketing tags and load them on your site.
  3. Define your first set of remarketing audiences and let them start to populate.
  4. While they are populating, build your first set of remarketing ads.
  5. Watch your return visitors, your organic visitors, and your frequency reports improve.

Download my “Get Ready for Remarketing” Checklist now.

*Need help implementing these steps? Email me ([email protected]). I’d love to help!


img_1642Jennifer helps churches and ministries utilize pay per click marketing, social media, and other communications opportunities so that they can reach more people for Christ and see real life change in their members.She travels the country in an RV with her husband, Zac, and 3 of her 4 kids.


Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

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