19 Facebook Live Statistics That Will Make You Start Broadcasting Right Now

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19 Facebook Live Statistics That Will Make You Start Broadcasting Right Now

Nothing beats visually appealing images and content for garnering huge amounts of engagement. What more if it’s done live?

Last year, Facebook released a new feature called Facebook Live testing it out first for celebrities. Now, Facebook Live is available to everyone. Users now have a capability to share live-streaming videos on their Facebook account while your family and friends comment on it as it streams.

People love authenticity. Facebook Live videos will give you an “into-the-moment” feels, potentially increasing your views, shares and audience reach.

If you haven’t heard of it yet, you are missing out a lot on the social media game. Not convinced yet? Here are 20 Facebook Live statistics that will surely make you start your first broadcast, now.

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People spend 3x longer watching video which is Live compared to video which is no longer Live. (SocialMediaToday) Share on X


Facebook users have watched more than one million hours with Samsung VR gear. (SocialMediaToday) Share on X The number of videos posted per person increased by users increased by 75% in 2015. (SocialMediaToday) Share on X Video posts have 135% greater organic reach than photo posts. (SocialMediaToday) Share on X Facebook generates 8 billion video views on average per day. (SocialMediaToday) Share on X The number of video posts per person increased by 94% in the USA and 75% globally in 2015. (Facebook Newsroom) Share on X Facebook now sees 100 million hours of daily video watch time. (TechCrunch) Share on X Users sharing video on retail and brand sites chose Facebook 46 percent of the time, with email accounting for 40 percent and Twitter capturing 14 percent of shares. (ReelnReel) Share on X People around the world are posting 75% more videos to Facebook than they did a year ago. (ReelnReel) Share on X The number of videos showing up in people’s news feeds has increased by 360% compared to last year. (ReelnReel) Share on X It seems that as Facebook transformed itself into a mobile-first company over the past few years, it is now being converted into a video-first property. (ReelnReel) Share on X Video views on Facebook grew by 50% between May 2014 and July 2014. (ReelnReel) Share on X More than 65% of those views are happening on smartphones and tablets. (ReelnReel) Share on X People are posting 94% more videos to Facebook. (ReelnReel) Share on X Brands posted 20,000 more videos on Facebook than on YouTube in Dec 2014. (ReelnReel) Share on X Starting in Jan content marketers have been uploading vids to Facebook directly: 50% increase from Jan-May. (ReelnReel) Share on X For video, that network is now Facebook. And it looks like that fact is here to stay. (ReelnReel) Share on X 50% of Americans who use Facebook on a daily basis also watch at least 1 video on it every day. (BusinessInsider) Share on X Facebook's share of video posts uploaded directly to Fb overtook YouTube's videos on Fb for 1st time, according to Socialbakers' analysis of 20k Fb Pages. Share on X

Do these stats make you want to try to push more videos to Facebook? Which one resonated with you the most?

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

3 thoughts on “19 Facebook Live Statistics That Will Make You Start Broadcasting Right Now

    1. Ha! I guess technically it was one. But video on FB is critical to understand overall that it all comes together. I’ll try to source more specific FB Live stats though for sure to add to the list!

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