The 20 Best Social Media Tools for 2017

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The 20 Best Social Media Tools for 2017

The social media marketing communications landscape changes so rapidly.

So fast that you can almost talk in dog years!

Doesn’t it feel like Instagram Stories has been around since it all began? Or doesn’t Facebook Live feel so natural that it’s hard to believe it is a relatively a new-fangled concept to broadcast live over a social media platform?

As we turn the page to a new year for 2017, I thought I’d reach out to some of the best church communicators online to ask them what is on their radar? What are they using today? What are they trying out or getting excited about?

It's neat to see what tools the top #ChSocM people are using for social media Share on X

Here is the list of THE 20 BEST SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS FOR 2017 from 20 of the most influential church communicators online.

View Full Size List of 20 Best Social Media Tools for 2017

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If you’d like a PDF version of the infographic, just click here to download for free!

What tools are you using for social media in 2017? 

Share one you are excited to use for our next addition of our Top Cool Tools List:

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

One thought on “The 20 Best Social Media Tools for 2017

  1. Hi! I was interested in seeing your “20 Best Social Media Tools for 2017” graphic but when I open/expand it the type is so small on my computer I can’t read it. Could you possibly send me the original image so it’s bigger or something?
    Here’s my email too if you need it: [email protected]
    THANK YOU! -Barry

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20 Social Media Tools You Should Know About

We Asked Influential Church Communicators To Share Their List of Go-To Social Media Tools